Paul Ryan Gets Pumped, Bro

TIME recently released photographs of Vice Presidential candidate Paul Ryan demonstrating his fitness regime when he was nominated for 2011 Person of the Year.

I can’t get over how ridiculous these pictures are. The first thing I thought when I saw these photos was ‘Dude, Paul Ryan is totally a Bro.’

So I was delighted to discover that extensive research has already been conducted to determine Paul Ryan’s bro status.

In August, Gawker conducted an in-depth evaluation to answer the question, “Who is the biggest Bro in the presidential race?”

The author evaluated Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan based on sports, fashion/grooming, education, beer drinking and “Expert” Opinions.

Paul Ryan sitting on a bench, cautioning the viewer. Dumbbells rest on the floor.
“Hey – That’s too much weight, bro.”

If the winner isn’t obvious to you, I won’t ruin the surprise by revealing the results here.

Also in August, Mother Jones declared Paul Ryan the Frattiest Veep Candidate Ever.

And one more thing, you should watch this video of David Letterman making fun of Paul Ryan’s workout photos on the Late Show: