Does Anyone Love God?

I have spent two days crying. The state of the United States has been trying. Spiritually and Emotionally. I don’t believe that God would leave the country over to reprobation just yet. But with the rioting, the slander, the lying and deception, 2020 has been a telling year.

The majority of the world is lost.

Some aren’t even trying to find God anymore. They have flat out rejected him.

Others are looking for God, but they can’t find him. There are too many roadblocks. 

Others have found God but they don’t love him. They live independently of his word. Or they live by his word but they are afraid to let anyone know. They don’t want to be labeled, or rediculed, or rejected. So they hide their light. And they are part of the problem. Because they prevent others from finding God.

How many people have found God, and truly love him? I am praying that they would be found. That God would give them boldness to make themselves known. We need them now.

God’s Desire

God’s glory is in the clouds;
His love is in the sky.
With love He created fruit,
Sweet to eat and good for nourishment.
The love and care He has for creation.
The Lord Almighty is thinking of me
Expressing His love each day.
With grace, He generously gives all.
How much can I receive?
Heaven overflows with blessings.
They are available to partake.
If we know that they are ours,
Are we bold enough to ask for them?
Please come, He wants to give it to you.
You are His desire.